By now, your office and employees have fully adapted to working from home. And working from home shows no signs of disappearing any time soon. So how do you make sure documents that are produced by those remote employees are being properly destroyed at the end of their life cycle? Well, outlining a clear and thorough policy for all your remote employees to adhere to creates a culture of awareness and responsibility. After all, just as in the office, you and your business are liable for all breaches resulting from an employee mishandling information while working from home.
Because the change from in office to remote work occurred so rapidly, businesses were forced to quickly rewrite policies when it came to the security of the information they hold. While many companies focused on the security of their networks and digital information, the way employees were instructed to destroy documents while at home was somewhat overlooked, and therein lies the risk.
Employees who accumulate document after document are creating a huge liability for your business. The risk of document theft or loss is too likely and could occur from the slightest accidental action such as placing a document in the trash as opposed to having it shredded. Not to mention, that employees are now in an environment with their families who potentially have access to any information that is produced.
Many businesses we have talked to have found it difficult to navigate just how to secure the hard copy information that their remote employees handle. You and your business may have even contemplated allotting each employee a personal shredder to destroy their documents. While this is not only a costly investment for your business, it also presents the challenge of verifying that all the documents have been destroyed. In short, there is a better option.
Monthly scheduled document shredding by Williams creates a simple, effective, and most importantly, secure solution for all your remote employees, and can even handle the destruction of the various media and hard drives that your business and employees may need to destroy.
Even for those employees that are working from both home and office, we have a hybrid solution in our secure shredding bags, that will allow them to fill and transport back and forth from home to office. Then when full, one of our mobile shred trucks will collect and shred the contents. It could not be any easier!
The way in which your business responds to the need of your remote employees to destroy information they create is vital to the security and livelihood of your business. Request a quote today from one of our certified shredding specialists to get started with monthly document shredding for your remote employees.
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